1907 State Rd.
Vermilion, OH 44089
Phone: 440-967-3251
Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am - 1:00pm
Closed on Fridays

Fire Department History
The Vermilion Township Fire Department was organized in the fall of 2005 and went into service February 1, 2006 to provide fire, emergency medical, and emergency response services for the residents, businesses and visitors of Vermilion Township.
The Vermilion Township Fire Department responds to 450-500 calls annually. These calls include fires, rescues, motor vehicle accidents, medical, investigations, and public service calls. The department covers 23.5 square miles of territory that includes commercial areas, single-family residential neighborhoods, multi-family residential neighborhoods, and rural farm areas.
The Fire Department is volunteers, consisting of a Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, Captain, 2 Lieutenants, with the remaining being firefighters. Currently the department has 7 Level II certified firefighters and 15 Level I certified firefighters. Many members are cross trained, with 5 certified as Paramedics, 7 certified as EMTs, and 4 certified as First Responders. The State of Ohio Fire Fighter I is the minimum certification level for Vermilion Township Fire Department. Each new recruit must successfully complete the 156-hour Fire Fighter I State course and a 40-hour First Responder State course within the first year of becoming a member. The department trains in-house three times per month, with additional specialized trainings when possible. The department averages 25-30 firefighters.
The Fire Department operates 2 engines, 1 pumper/tanker, 1 heavy rescue, 1 grass fire unit, 1 squad, a special response trailer, and a command vehicle. The department members are specialized in ice rescue and are trained to U.S. Coast Guard standards.
The Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau has 4 State certified Fire Safety Inspectors that inspect all local businesses annually to help business/building owners understand the importance of maintaining their buildings and to ensure the safety of all occupants. The department also assists local businesses by offering free training for the business employees, such as; fire extinguisher training, evacuation drills, lifts & carries for the assisted-living facilities, etc.
The Vermilion Township Firefighter’s Association is a non-profit organization that is responsible for fund raising activities and holding dinners, pancake breakfasts, open houses, and other social events. All members of the department are members of the Association. The Association meetings are held the 4th Monday evening of each month.
While we need to recognize no one will become rich working as a volunteer firefighter, the rewards of the job are priceless. One can experience no greater reward than giving back to their community, be it helping your fellow man in his time of need, extinguishing a fire, helping someone who is ill, rescuing someone who is trapped, or saving a life. We believe no greater reward can be realized in any other job.
The Vermilion Township Fire Department is proud of its members, its record, and its accomplishments. We will continue strive to be one of the area’s best fire departments.